Sasquatch Sightings in Wyoming - Pro Tips For Finding Bigfoot

Written By: Sarah Reish

We are back this month with research reports from our field team. They have spent this last month not only in the field, but also researching past reports from other fellow Wyomingites. The developments to our program are continuing to push us forward in our efforts to achieve ‘Class-A’ evidence of this creature. And we are honored to be able to pass on these best practices and guides as they are developed. Be sure to let us know your thoughts and advice you may have for us in this endeavor to find Sasquatch.


Sightings Can Happen With Everyone

A former US Forest Service biologist, John Mionczynski, spear-headed and developed cutting edge ways of studying longhorn sheep in the early 1970’s. He also supported Yellowstone National Park as they began to live catch bear for GPS Collars. His experience with wildlife on a scientific level make him a highly credible resource in our research. While camping in the Wind River Mountains in 1972 Mionscynski had an up close and personal experience with Sasquatch. Today he works full time studying Sasquatch. His research knows no limit as he studies habitats, food sources, searches for DNA samples, and making casts of tracks. 

Our field team has found, in researching Wyoming specific experiences, that people from all walks of life have sightings and/or close encounters. There is no pattern or discrimination identified with those who have shared their experiences. Our team has determined that anyone could spot ‘Squatch, they just need to continue the course and stay active in their search. 

Eyes Wide Open

Our Field Recon team deduced the best way to identify a hot spot is to keep your eyes peeled. The team has determined, what they are naming “‘Squatch List” items to keep an eye out for while out in the wilderness. These close inevitably lead to a higher probability of spotting the ever elusive ‘Squatch.


‘Squatch List - Top 3 Clues

  1. Identify the Prints - ‘Squatch prints do not look like typical foot prints. We have found, while reviewing print casts, that most prints designated as Sasquatch or Bigfoot prints appear to have no arch. Large prints, therefore, may be harder to identify - put keep one eye on the ground when tracking through game trails, you might find yourself a ‘Squatch print! If you think you have found one be sure to document it as concisely and as clearly as possible. There is no such thing as too much documentation.

  2. ‘Squatch Trails - Common sense tells us to look for a large figure when searching for ‘Squatch, but many seekers forget to look for the large evidence. Many keep their eyes out for tiny clues and automatically look right past the larger pieces of evidence often left in the wake of our elusive friend. So look for those large signs that show our friend is out there and document it well. 

  3. SWF (Shelter-Water-Food) - Use common sense. Keep in mind Sasquatch needs shelter, water, and a food source. Like any wild animal, no matter how smart, they need these fundamental items to survive. If you are searching in an area that does not provide all three of these necessities to ‘Squatch, then you aren’t in the right area and its time to rethink your search parameters. Near rivers and forested areas seem to be the preferred local for our quiet friend. These areas, according to our field team, will increase the likelihood of a close encounter and or spotting during your search. 

Get Your Search On! 

Those are our ‘Squatch Field Team updates for this month. Please, keep in contact with us and share your search updates! Post them on social media and tag us @LiveWYldMag and use hashtags #LiveWYld and #SquatchInTheWYld


*Please note the Sasquatch Project is satirical in nature. Live WYld does not have a team dedicated to the search of and sightings of Sasquatch, we just enjoy and love the topic!


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